1. Netflix App deploy on k8s through Jenkins CI-CD [DevSecOps]
create EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.large) and run + Docker + Sonar + Trivy + kubectl)
Next access Jenkins(8080), Sonar(9000) and install all plugins(JDK, Sonar, Nodejs, OWASP, Docker) in Jenkins and config in Tools & system config
create & run pipeline and access Nextflix App in browser with docker container port
Note: IMDB API key and email notification(jenkins) also to be done
Next take 2 EC2s(ubuntu 20.04, t2.medium) install kubectl and docker, Next seperate commands on Master & Node for kubeadm setup
Next install k8s plugins in Jenkins and add kubeconfig secret file in jenkins and add k8s deploy stage in pipeline
Run the build and access Neflix App with Load Balancer DNS link at Node EC2 by kubectl get svc
2. Deploy 2048 Game on EC2 with Ansible Playbook through jenkins CI-CD
Launch EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.medium) and run, Trivy)
Next install Ansible, python boto3 and next attach IAM Role(EC2 Full access) to above EC2
Prepare Ansible-Playbook in Github Repo
Next install & configure Ansible plugin in Jenkins and prepare pipeline(Git, Trivy, Ansible-Playbook)
Next run the Build & access 2048 Game in browser in new EC2 publicIP:3000 port
Note: here with Ansible Playbook, new EC2 will be created with 2048 dockerised container
3. Deploy 2048 Game on Docker & k8s through Jenkins CI-CD
Launch EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.large) and run, Docker, Sonar, Trivy, kubectl)
Install & Configure plugins(JDK, sonar, Nodejs, OWASP, Docker, k8s) and add all credentials
Create 2 other EC2s (ubuntu 20.04, t2.medium) as k8s Master & Worker
Install docker, kubectl, kubeadm on both master & worker, next run some other commands seperately
prepare pipeline(Git, Sonar, QGate, npm install, OWASP, Trivy Fscan, Docker build & push, Trivy Image scan, Deploy(docker & k8s))
Run the build and access 2048 Game via ALB DNS link from worker node (kubectl get svc)
Next clean up all resources
4. Deploy Petstore App on k8s through Jenkins-Ansible CI-CD
Launch EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.large) and run, Docker, Sonar, Trivy, kubectl)
Change Jenkins port from 8080 to 8090
Install & Configure plugins(JDK, sonar, Maven, OWASP, Docker, Ansible, k8s) and add all credentials
Create another EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.medium) and install Ansible on this and Ad Jenkins server's IP in inventory file here
Prepare Ansible-Playbook for docker build, push, run/docker-deploy of Petstore App
prepare pipeline(Git, Maven, Sonar, QGate, OWASP, Trivy Fscan, Deploy(Ansible(Docker Build, push, run/docker-deploy))
Create 2 other EC2s (ubuntu 20.04, t2.medium) as k8s Master & Worker
Install docker, kubectl, kubeadm on both master & worker, next run some other commands seperately
setup SSH-key connection b/w Ansible EC2 (.ssh/ key) and k8s Master(.ssh/authorised keys) and add k8s Master's public IP in Ansible inventory hosts file
Prepare Ansible-Playbook for k8s deploy of Petstore App and add pipeline script for Deploy(Ansible(k8s))
Run the build and Petstore App via ALB DNS link from worker node (kubectl get svc)
Next clean up all resources
5. Deploy Petclinic App on Tomcat & k8s through Jenkins CI-CD
Launch EC2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.large) and run, Docker, Sonar, Trivy, kubectl)
Install & Configure plugins(JDK, Email, sonar, Maven, OWASP, Docker, k8s) and add all credentials
Install & config Tomcat on Jenkins EC2(8083)
Create 2 other EC2s (ubuntu 20.04, t2.medium) as k8s Master & Worker
Install docker, kubectl, kubeadm on both master & worker, next run some other commands seperately
prepare pipeline(Git, Sonar, QGate, Maven, OWASP, Trivy Fscan, Docker build & push, Trivy Image scan, Deploy(docker, Tomcat, & k8s))
Run the build and access Petclinic App via Worker public IP:Nodeport (kubectl get svc)
Next clean up all resources
6. dhgh