

6 min read


1. Deploy of Amazon Application through Full Azure CICD pipeline with Terraform    
    Done Prerequisites for Azure Devops Project
    Created Azure Container Repo (ACR) and Azure kubernetes Cluster (AKS) cluster manually.
    Created needed Service Connections to access from Azure Devops with Azure Portal and Github.
    Created Azure Yaml Pipeline to deploy Resources on AKS
    Now Check & Verify CICD by making Test Commit on Github Repo and accessed desired Amazon App
2. Deploy Swiggy App on Azure AKS through Terraform    
    Done Prerequisites for Azure Devops Project and created all needed Terraform files and k8s deployment manifest files in laptop
    Connected VSCode with Azure portal by Azure CLI login and run terraform files and k8s deployment files also
    Next accessed our desired web-app in browser with Loadbalncer link and next clean whole setup
3. Deploy web-application into Azure App Services container through AzureDevops CICD with terraform    
    Done Prerequisites for Azure Devops Project
    Created Terraform files and Created needed Service Connections to access from Azure Devops with Azure Portal and Github.
    Next built the CICD pipeline in Azure Devops to run Terraform files and run
    By run of above Terraform apply pipeline desired web-application deployed into Azure WebApp service and accessed the webapp in browser through its link
4. Deploy Cafe-website on Azure AKS through Jen-Ansible-Docker-AzureAKS    
    Created Azure VM and Installed and Configure Jenkins
    Installed Ansible Server setup on another VM and Installed Docker and Integrated this with Jenkins
    Created Jenkins CI Job to run the Ansible Playbook
    Created another VM with Azure CLI installed and created Kubernetes Cluster(AKS) and connected it through Azure CLI on this kubeserver VM and created deployment & service files on this kubeserverVM
    Integrated above kubeserver with Ansible and created Ansible Playbook for deployment & service manifest files
    Created Jenkins Deployment (CD) Job for Kubernetes
    Now Check & Verify CICD by making Test Commit on Github Repo and accessing our Cafe-website
5. Full CICD AzureDevops-Maven-Sonar-Docker-K8S
    Done Prerequisites for Azure Devops Project and Imported Github Repo into Azure Repos
    Setup self-host Agent Pool to run Azure pipeline by one Linux VM and run Sonar container on this VM
    Created pipeline in Classic Editor by adding maven, trivyscan, copy files to Artifacts & publish Artifacts and run the CI-CD pipeline
    Integrated Sonarqube, OWASP with AzureDevops and added sonar analysis, OWASP steps to our CI-CD pipeline in classic editor and run
    Next Docker build & push and deploy steps to the above CI-CD pipeline in classic editor
    Installed kubectl on above VM and added deploy to kubernetes step in classic editor CICD pipeline and accessed desired web-application with Load Balancer link in browser
6. Deploy of Super Mario Game on AWS EKS cluster    
    Launched ec2 (ubuntu 20.04, t2.micro) ad attached IAM role (Admin access) to it.
    Next cloned the github repo and run needed scripts to install terraform, eksctl, kubectl, doker and aws cli
    Next go to inside terraform files directory and applied terraform commands and Updated the Kubernetes configuration
    Next deployed the respective manifest files and access the desired application through Load Balancer DNS link in browser
    Next deleted the whole cluster and deployments also.
7. Deploy of Hotstar Clone App on EKS cluster [Jenkins + NodeJs + Sonar + Tf + DP Check+Docker Scout+Docker+EKS]
    Launched ec2 (ubuntu 20.04, t2.large) ad attached IAM role (Admin access) to it.    
    Next run needed scripts to install Jenkins, Docker, terraform, eksctl, kubectl, doker and aws cli
    Run Sonarqube Container and created pipeline Job with pipeline script and add & config JDK, Sonarqube, NodeJs, OWASP, docker plugins in Jenkins dashboard
    Here one pipeline is to run terraform script to create EKS cluster in aws console and another pipeline for to build and deploy needed Hotstar application into docker and eks cluster.
    Updated the eks cluster with needed commands and run pipeline and got access by cluster Load Balancer DNS link and finally terminated cluster and whole setup by destroy action pipeline to delete the whole cluster and deployments also.
8. Deploy Youtube clone Application Through Gitlab CI-CD    
    Created Youtube API key and Create a Repository and push it to GitLab.
    Launch an Ec2 instance, install docker and run Sonarqube on it through docker container
    Created a .gitlab-ci.yml File and Added the required variables (sonar token, docker login keys) for the project.
    Installed Gitlab Runner on EC2. and Run the Gitlab CICD pipeline to deploy the Youtube App on Docker container.
9. DevSecOps CI-CD project with Github Actions + EKS cluster        
    Launched ec2 (ubuntu 20.04, t2.medium) ad attached IAM role (Admin access) to it.
    Next created Github Actions self-host runner on it with our code file Github repo
    Next Launch other EC2 and installed docker and run sonar container and integrated sonar with Github Actions in sonarqube dashboard as per given steps there 
    and stored AWS CLI keys, sonar token, docker login keys in Github Actions secrets variables
    Next prepare Github Actions workflow yaml file
    Next cloned our Github repo on above EC2 and installed Java, Trivy, Terraform, aws cli, NodeJs, npm, kubectl
    By running terraform scripts created EKS cluster in aws console to get deploy our Tik Tac Toe Game
    By running Actions yaml file, got the desired Game on EKS cluster and accessed with its LB DNS link
    And integrated slack and got notification whenever it gets triggered and Finally destroyed whole setup
10. Deploy of Amazon Application through Jenkins+Terraform+Sonar+Docker CI-CD project with API    
    Launched ec2 (ubuntu 20.04, t2.large) ad attached IAM role (Admin access) to it.
    Next run needed scripts to install Jenkins, Docker, terraform, eksctl, kubectl, doker and aws cli
    Run Sonarqube Container and created pipeline Job with pipeline script and add & config JDK, Sonarqube, NodeJs, OWASP, docker plugins in Jenkins dashboard
    Next run terraform script on above ec2 to create EKS cluster in aws console and create pipeline to build and deploy needed Amazon App application into docker and eks cluster.
    Updated the eks cluster with needed commands and run pipeline and got access by cluster Load Balancer DNS link and finally terminated cluster 
    and whole setup by destroy command to delete the whole cluster and deployments also by terminating ec2 also.
11. Deploy of Netflix Application with Github Actions + Sonarqube + Docker    
    Created ec2(ubuntu 22.04, t2.medium), Installed Docker and Run Sonarqube Container.
    Next in Sonar dashboard, project Manually---> Github Actions ---> Integrate stepwise
    Next in Github Repo---> Actions Tab --> pipeline will run, next Installed Trivy and 
    Next added script in workflow .yml file accordingly for trivy, docker build & push
    Next created TMDB API key and added it in docker script of .yml file
    Launched second ec2 and installed self-hosted runner of Github Actions, and added script in .yml file to deploy Netflix app on this second ec2
        #[ here 1st EC2 for CI Job, 2nd EC2 for CD Job, access Website with 2nd EC2 publicIP with specific port]
